Thursday, September 9, 2010

There's tomorrow.

In Prisoners' Dilemma, the expected outcome is that the prisoners will betray each other, leading to the result that both get the worst possible outcome (10 years sentence), while they treat nicely to each other, they both would have got a much better outcome (6 months). There is one way to alter the result of the game: repeating it infinite times. The reason is, in short, if one betray the other this time, the other will sure betray him next time, and both will get the wost case that both don't want. Expected that the other wouldn't betray him, he wouldn't betray either. If there is tomorrow, they should care about it, and they should better be nice to each other today.

One key thing that keep me optimistic is that I believe there is tomorrow. I thought about death (not suicide, but rather how it will be when I die) many times, but I know I wouldn't die very soon. Even when I faced the worst failure, even when I was all alone, when it was nothing but stress, when I thought it was the end of this world, tomorrow will still come. And I will still (likely) to be alive. Think, I still have the major, significant part of life ahead. Many things will come. Studying, Working, Friends, Family, Life. I couldn't be down forever; I should better live well today, so that I won't have to regret tomorrow. I should be nice to others (treat them honestly and nicely), be nice to myself (build up my strength and competence). Besides, it's then surprisingly easy to give up failures and move on. It's kind of a self-reconciliation system.(It saved me 2 years ago).

The more I go, the more I appreciate that future is more unexpected than I ever thought. Nothing stays the same for very long time. Hopes come and go. Chances come and go. And love might be too. Future provides a lot of hope and unexpected. Thus I stay optimistic. Moreover, I can't really chase after things that doesn't belong to me. Pretend to be something / someone else to grab a chance? It usually backfires myself (pride, confidence). Future might give a better, more suitable chance to me. I should better be myself. Does that mean I would never stop but continually expect something better would come? No. If it's something I really want, something I find myself suitable for, something doesn't require me to pretend (even though it might require me to pay in other ways), I would grab it. (There can be a whole heated debate on when's really the right time; honestly I don't know. Life's complicated. As long as I don't regret, I will do it).

What if at the end I will still be nothing, having no love and / or whatsoever? What if my life sucks? And I'm just an optimistic fool? It means I suck. But so far I think I'm not too bad. Let's just work with my all and wait for the future to come.


  1. Life is complicated and full of ups and downs.

    Just live your life as best as your can and be true to yourself and everything will turn out just fine. :-)

  2. Yeah :-) The first part was my thought 2 years ago, added up with some new thoughts recently. I write them down mostly to share with a friend who's currently not doing well.

  3. Why do you say you were not doing well 2 years ago? currently, I think you're doing fabulously well, but you cannot rest on your laurels. You need to keep pushing yourself to the next level. :-)
