Sunday, November 28, 2010

Life goes on

Few days ago I intended to write a very long blog post about this semester. I wanted to write how hard it was to keep balance and mood during busy time (kinda impossible), what we should look for when selecting teammates (passionate & devotion), that you're not gonna get anything done (well) when you're in bad mood, or that I learned to be a little more caring toward my family (& show them my love toward them), et cetera. I also wanted to review the modules I took. I even got pretty excited when organizing my thoughts. But suddenly, the next morning, all my thought were gone. And I got disinterested too.

Or perhaps that's one thing I learned more? For *that* I mean moving on. I just felt that everything was up. No, more accurately, I didn't feel anything (about the past). I just felt free again. And I was ready for the next thing to come. Like a RAM of a computer, when you restarted the computer, it lost all the data and was kind of anew again. Might not be totally new, but I'm sure emotions were the first to be erased. Now thinking about it, did you ever dream, when you were sad or experienced negative feelings, that the next day you'll be happy again? Yes! Isn't it awesome. But when it comes to positive feelings, it's kind of sad. Whatever it is, you gotta move on.

Yay I'm ready to move on. Thing's getting pretty exciting. Life's promising more and more adventures. And adventures are all what I'm up to for now.

1 comment:

  1. Whenever you mention about your mood, I imagine there is a girl involved haha.

    So, the usual question is, was there any girl involved?

    Without them, life seems to be less troublesome. No offence here :D
