Sunday, June 6, 2010


The weather here recently is quite nice. It is a little cloudy and windy. Thank for that, the temperature is around 32*C, not hot as I remembered about Vietnam's summer. I don't like hot weather. (No, the normal weather in Singapore is not hot. It is quite comfortable actually. And you have air conditioner everywhere!). This weather reminds me of Hanoi's autumn. I think this is the kind of weather I enjoy the most. However, this kind of weather can take down the mood of anyone. It's not a cheerful, energetic weather like the end of spring, or early summer, but a mild, down, slow weather. In this weather, I like to just lie down on my bed, and chew over some thought, some philosophical questions that I (most probably) never find answers, rather than working.

Speak of working, home isn't a good place for serious work. There are too much variable that I can't control. The constant electricity cut also cut off my desire to work. Sometimes it is frustrating to try to connect to the internet. You don't know why it doesn't work. It just doesn't. My two little brothers of 5 year-old and a sister of 12 year-old can disrupt my attempt to focus anytime. Well, you can't reason with children, they only want to play and get attention. I love to play with them when I am free. Besides, my parents want me to sleep regularly and rest regularly too. The fact that it is too comfortable here also makes me watch TV more, sleep more and thus spend less time on work. I remembered the time last semester, when I only came back room for sleep and went to school for work right after waking up. It was more productive then.

Alas, it's summer! I shouldn't think about work and study all the time! Didn't I decide to spend this summer for family and friends?

By the way, I will be arrive in Singapore on 18 July and will put real effort on ACM training in the next three weeks from arrival. ACM World Final is a serious business, and I need to play seriously.

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